Beat the January Blues…
Nobody looks forward to checking their bank balance after a fun-filled Christmas packed with parties, presents, and overpriced mulled wine. Money worries can present wellbeing challenges during January along with overly ambitious New Year’s resolutions. Did you know – 48% of Britons who suffered financial stress last January revealed budgeting would have helped them avoid overspending! This post will help you beat the January blues and stick to new year’s resolutions with some simple financial wellbeing tips for 2023.
Why spend more…regularly review your household expenses
Diarise a regular review of standard household expenses, – can you save money by finding a cheaper deal elsewhere? Consider changing service providers for your phone, internet, energy, and insurance – sites such as can help.
Budget accordingly to your personal finances, making a realistic assessment of where you are, how much you owe, and when it needs to be paid back.
We suggest individuals should keep track of their income and outgoings on an ongoing basis, and review them at least annually, to work out where savings can be made and understand their current financial position. This can also help people to identify spending patterns, set financial goals and monitor progress.
Budget calculator
Our free Budget Calculator gives you a full breakdown of your finances and will help you to get control of your household spending.
Look after Yourself
In January, it’s all too common for depression and anxiety to skyrocket after Christmas over-spending with a record number of calls to debt and mental health hotlines. It can be particularly tough for those aged between 25-54; with 54% of us finding the January pinch harder than the rest of the year.
Useful links
Beat The Winter Blues
If you’re worried about your finances, we can offer expert advice and support on a range of subjects.
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