We will provide support where we can, in line with the latest guidance and legislation, but you must let us know as soon as you can if you are experiencing any difficulties or if you cannot navigate this information for any reason.
Email us on general.enquiries@jjhousing.co.uk or call our Customer Hub on 0345 305 5335 for further information.
The Government has put together some helpful information for people who need to know more about the impact of Coronavirus on Universal Credit and claiming benefits. Visit the Gov.uk website to find out more about these issues if they affect you:
- If you cannot work due to the Coronavirus including rules on Statuatory Sick Pay
- If you are already claiming benefits
- Changes to Job Centre appointments
- Changes to health assessments
- Changes to how much you’ll get
- What happens if you’re self employed
- If you’re in work and claiming UC and have changes to your earnings
- If you’re making a new claim for UC
- Waiting times for UC users using Gov.uk Verify.
While there may be other forms of disruption to your life, there are no changes to the way state benefits are operating at the moment.
If you work in addition to claiming pension and your income falls, you may become eligible for additional help. Support towards housing costs would come from Housing Benefit. You can apply, or update your claim through your local authority’s website. Be aware that it may take the Council longer than usual to process your claim.
If the total of your pensions and earnings is less than £167.25 per week (for single people) or £255.25 (for couples), you may also be eligible for Pension Credit.
Leaseholder and Shared Owner residents who may have a mortgage are encouraged to contact their mortgage provider in the first instance to assist them at this difficult time.
Money worries & benefits advice
If you have any money worries or need benefits advice, we can help. Call our Customer Experience Team on 0345 305 5335 and ask for a call back from our Money Advice Team or contact us online.